Thursday, May 24, 2018

Uncharted Territory

I chose this title to just show some of the other “discovered” territories in Escape. I also am learning this program called Gadwin that I read in some other blogs that people use. I don’t know how to use it but I’m learning – I guess – but hey this is a collage I made using it! A funny side note – I looked up uncharted because I thought it was really spelled unchartered and found that, according to Merriam-Webster, it means a new and unknown area. This is cool because blogging is new to me, Gadwin is new to me, and there is too much uncharted territory in my RL to mention it just seemed the perfect title.


  1. Like you, I was convinced the word is "unchartered"! See - blogging can do that for authors and readers, too: learning a new word, or the correct spelling of a known word :-)
