Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Natives

While the migration continues, let’s meet “The Natives”. These are just a few families that I have “followed” over the years from different towns. Now, they will be all right here together! Fun!

These are the Newsons
The thing I like about them is their closeness. The teens are very good with the younger ones.
Here is another shot. They are just so wholesome, aren't they?
Here is Natasha Una doing what she does best, well this and eating grilled cheese sandwiches. She taught me that could in fact be a lifetime want.
Everything about the Curions brothers was always so interesting to me. Not only is their house so cool, but...
A pregnant man!?!?! Whaaaaaat? See him in the blue tee? Yep, that's Pascal Curious - pregnant man.
Of course these days that's common place so you'll see a lot more of that.
The Goth's Of Course!  Here they are with town playboy and Cassandra's fiance' Don Lothario.
The Monty's - It was difficult to get them together and keep them for photo - so busy! Still not everyone is shown.

Meet Romeo Monty! He has been quite the character over the years! Let's see what he does here.