Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Brief Introduction

Hi! I'm Fee.

I love playing the Sims 2.  It's kind of my escape. I've been playing for a little over 8 years now and downloading for half that time. Downloading correctly for half of that time and so on. I really enjoy it even amidst the numerous start overs. My middle daughter started me on it when she was in college. (Started me on it...because it's my drug of choice) At that time, Sims 2 was on the way out and Sims 3 was on the way in, so I was able to get all the expansions pretty cheap. She has since moved on to Sims 4 and I am still right here. It's nice. They know me here. I always "jot" my families and my family plans. I have I don't know how many notebooks filled with characters and their next moves. My children and some friends that I have shared this information with tease me about it.
Then! Some years ago I discovered there were others just like me! I discovered blogs. I do have some favorites and I love reading Sim Stories. I follow 2 people faithfully, but I do read others. With those I am in and out but only because I can't read them ALL day! I need time to plan and play my own.
So I thought I'd try my hand at blogging the ins and outs, comings and goings of the "Simmizens" I run into around here. C'mon in and have a look around - maybe, like me ... YOU will want to stay here too in ...